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What size truck???
Reg. Jun 2004
Posted 2010-08-28 3:58 PM (#5065)
Subject: What size truck???

Posts: 118

I recently purchase a 32' Hart living quarters horse trailer.  I now need to get a bigger truck.  My question is... do I buy a one ton dually or do I need to consider something larger?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!!!
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Reg. Oct 2004
Posted 2010-08-30 2:15 PM (#5066 - in reply to #5065)
Subject: RE: What size truck???

Location: Colorado
Do you know what the actual weight of your trailer is? Loaded up with horses, feed, tack, food and water for humans, etc. That would be part of my decision making process. The other part would be how many miles a year I'd be pulling the trailer, and what part of the country? If the weight is marginal for a 1 ton dually, you might get by in Kansas, for example, but if you were pulling through the Rocky Mountains much of the time you'd for sure need to move up in size to be safe.
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